Diploma Paper Tubes
Your Alternative to the Diploma Cover
College graduation is an important milestone in a student’s life and the ultimate reward for their accomplishment is the diploma. Making an impression upon the newest members of the university’s alumni is important. Start with the first thing they receive as college graduates – their diploma.
Paper tubes have quickly become the preferred way for many universities to present diplomas because they are cost-effective, fully customizable, safe for mailing, and preserve documents for long-term storage. Jonesville Paper Tube’s durable design and finishes allow diplomas to safely be mailed and stored without damage. We offer water resistant cover papers and acid free paper tube liners to aid in keeping moisture out, preserving the diploma for years to come.

Diploma paper tubes are available in all school colors, includes a printed logo or seal, and come in a variety of styles, sizes and finishes.
Learn why many colleges are switching from traditional diploma covers to paper tubes by reading our diploma case study

Give your next campaign a boost
with a customized paper tube
Universities send out thousands of direct mail pieces every year. Make yours stand out to alumni or potential students in a fully branded paper tube mailer. The 3-D design is a unique delivery method that commands attention and generates greater interest. There’s no better way to mail letters of acceptance, university gear, or solicit contributions.
Whether you’re a large university or a small school, we will work with you to create the ideal tube to fit your needs. No order is too large or too small. We offer the personal service that every customer deserves. Contact us today to see what solution we can provide for you.
We know you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the durability and luxurious feel of our diploma paper tubes. To experience this first-hand, request our free idea kit. We can send you a variety of examples of past work we have done, which includes different sizes, finishes and closure options.